Monday, December 20, 2010


Welcome Everyone,

I am excited to be in this class and even more excited about this blogging experience. I have never created or participated in blogging before. To be totally honest I didn't even know what a blog was until this class and was quite intimidated and worried when I found out that we would be required to create one for this class. However, once I got started and followed the instructions, I found it quite easy to get going. I am looking forward to learning about and interacting with all of you. I hope that we can even be fortunate enough to continue interacting after this class if over.

Health & Wellness wishes to you all,


Journey on Relaxation Reflection

Hello fellow classmates,

This weeks exercise was interesting and different. I actually felt completely relaxed during and after the exercise, that I just had to do it again before heading to bed the other night. It was kind of weird at times though, especially when I tried lifting and turning my hands like the instructor was telling me to do. However, I really enjoyed just how peaceful and really connected I felt to my entire body while participating.

I really look forward to the other exercises that are going to be apart of this class. I'm learning a lot in this class, from our readings and our discussions. I am especially thrilled that I am learning how to fully connect my mind, body and spirit to better my overall health and life.